Ереван, 28.Апрель.2024,
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10 Highly Dangerous Bridges in The World


10. Ghasa – Nepal

Highly Dangerous Bridges

Ghasa is a highly dangerous bridge, situated in Gus Village, Nepal. Besides the fact that this bridge has been poorly constructed, every day not only the humans but also the cattle cross it in a large number. It is interesting to know that Ghasa is a very small and narrowly constructed bridge, but still the people even the little children find it to be no problem to cross it.

9. Carrick-A-Rede Rope Bridge – UK

Highly Dangerous Bridges


Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge is situated in Antrim Town, Northern Ireland, UK. The 21 meters long pathway of this bridge is situated at the height of 30 meters. It takes a lot of courage to the tourists to cross this bridge, a light suspension of rope is there to act like your support but the fact is that it is not that easy to cross this dangerous bridge.

8. Vine Footpaths AKA Bridges – Japan

Highly Dangerous Bridges

Vine Footpaths AKA Bridges are situated in Ivy Valley, Japan. The small bridges were made in ancient time for the warriors and refugees to protect their territories.  It is situated over the Iya River and has been spaced with 13 inches from the two sides of the mountains. On one side of the Iya River is situated the famous Repovesi Nature Park. The architects must have thought of narrowing the bridge to much extent, but it seems that they didn’t know that the crossers will find it really troubling to go over it and will have lack of posture balance.

7. Taman Negara National Park Bridge – Malaysia

Highly Dangerous Bridges

Taman Negara National Park Bridge is a long suspension bridge of Malaysia. Every day hundreds of local people and tourists cross this bridge to reach to the other side of the area. During the rainy season, this bridge remains extremely wet and is hard to cross. It is expanded in an area of about 550 meters at the height of 40 meters. The government needs to pay attention to reconstruct this bridge because it is really tough for a newcomer to cross over it.

6. Kakum National Park Canopy Walkway – Ghana

Highly Dangerous Bridges


The interesting yet dangerous fact about this bridge is that it is situated in the depths of forests of Ghana. The forest floor of Kakum National Park Canopy is about 76 feet. Although the local theme park remains full with the tourists but this bridge is really tough to cross. Only the weak support of rocks has been provided on its two sides. The woods used for its construction have been damaged.

5. Trift Bridge – Switzerland

Highly Dangerous Bridges

The Trift Bridge I situated in the Alps of Gadmen. This is a 180 meters long and 110 meters high bridge of Switzerland. The Trift Bridge was constructed in 2004 and underwent a reconstruction in 2009. This bridge is not safer to cross and the level of security is extremely poor. The two sides have no protection, not even the support of ropes.

4. Musou Tsuribashi Bridge – Japan

Highly Dangerous Bridges

Musou Tsuribashi Bridge is a Japanese bridge and one of the most terrible bridges in the world. It was constructed in 1950 and is quite narrow. The bridge has poorly constructed boards and ropes to support. It is crossed by hundreds and thousands of people every day. If you have the plan to cross this bridge, you should think thrice because it is really going to be a terrible experience.

3. Aiguille du Midi – France

Highly Dangerous Bridges

The Aiguille du Midi Bridge is located in France. If you are suffering from any heart disease, then I recommend you to skip the plan of crossing this bridge. It is narrow and has a height of about 12600 feet above the sea level. The bridge has support from its two sides, but the height it is at is extremely terrifying for anyone who has fear of heights.

2. Foot Bridges – Pakistan

Foot Bridges - Pakistan

The Foot Bridges of Pakistan are just like the playground for the children. This bridge is hanged high with poor suspension and was constructed with poor material. Even I could see that the support from the two sides of the bridge is extremely weak. It is not an endorsement to go through this bridge until or unless needed.

1. Marienbruecke – Germany


Highly Dangerous Bridges


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