Ереван, 20.Май.2024,
1 $ = 0 ֏, 1 = 0 ֏, 1 = 0 ֏

Galaxy Group of Companies and Fondation Université Française en Arménie Sign Memorandum of Understanding


Galaxy Group of Companies and the “Fondation Université Française en Arménie” (UFAR) have entered into a new format of cooperation. Aram Khachatryan, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Galaxy Group of Companies, and Salwa Nacouzi, Rector of UFAR, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to expand their collaboration and jointly implement projects.

Leveraging the potential, advanced experience, and knowledge of these two leading organizations, educational projects, familiarization visits, and exchange of experiences will be implemented to benefit the Armenian economy and foster the development of Armenian-French relations.

Aram Khachatryan, Co-Founder and CEO of Galaxy Group of Companies, emphasized the significance of quality education and competitive youth in the development of the country's economy. He stated, "With the signing of this Memorandum of Understanding, the doors of Galaxy Group are open to the students of UFAR, creating an opportunity to enrich the knowledge gained at the university with practical experience."

As part of this cooperation, students of UFAR will have the opportunity to take internships in Galaxy Group of Companies, as well as visit its companies to learn about their business operations and corporate culture.

Salwa Nacouzi, Rector of UFAR, expressed the university's commitment to connecting with the business and professional world, which has been at the core of its educational strategy for over two decades. She stated, "Signing a memorandum with Galaxy Group of Companies fully corresponds to our approach. In this way, the students of UFAR will benefit from the excellent quality of Galaxy Group and its national as well as international influence."

In addition to internships and familiarization visits, the parties have also agreed to initiate other joint activities, including providing lectures by the management staff of Galaxy Group of Companies for the students of UFAR.


Galaxy Group of Companies is one of the largest employers and taxpayers in Armenia. throughout its 20+ years of operations, Galaxy Group has created and developed 15 businesses in Armenia, Georgia, and Belarus, providing management and strategic development. The success factors of all companies have been sectoral innovation, effective team engagement and the responsible business culture developed on the basis of continuous learning.


The Fondation Université Française en Arménie (UFAR) is a prestigious higher education institution in Armenia, renowned for its academic excellence. UFAR awards two state diplomas, both Armenian and French (European), and maintains strong academic partnerships with Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 and Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier. With an enrollment of approximately 2,000 students, a dozen doctoral candidates, and over 2,700 successful graduates, UFAR has established itself as a leading institution in the region.

One of the key indicators of UFAR's success is the high employment rate of its graduates. According to a recent survey of the Class of 2021, a mere 4% of graduates are actively seeking employment, highlighting the strong career prospects and opportunities available to UFAR alumni. This accomplishment reflects the university's commitment to providing students with a quality education that equips them with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in the job market.

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