Ереван, 13.Май.2024,
1 $ = 0 ֏, 1 = 0 ֏, 1 = 0 ֏

Ambassadors accredited to Armenia, Galaxy Group and Ucom leaders spoke at the largest event of the European Business Association


Over a dozen diplomats accredited in Armenia and approximately 50 representatives from the business community took part in one of the most significant events in Armenia's business community – the annual business breakfast. The gathering aimed to foster discussions on business and culture, exploring potential collaborations. This event, organized for the third consecutive year, was a joint effort of Galaxy Group of Companies and the European Business Association, with active support and participation from European embassies accredited in Armenia.

Aram Khachatryan, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Galaxy Group of Companies, highlighted the strategic significance of the European direction for Galaxy Group, emphasizing the presence of over 200 partners from Europe. He underscored the importance of such events as more than just breakfast, considering them a platform for fostering creative and innovative approaches. Mr. Khachatryan views these gatherings as an opportunity to address challenges, share successes, and strengthen the connection between Europe and Armenia. Additionally, he holds a position of Board Member of the European Business Association.

Petr Pirunčík, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Czech Republic to Armenia, emphasized the value of Armenian businessmen connecting with potential foreign partners. He regarded this aspect as one of the most significant outcomes of the meeting. Pirunchik personally engages in discussions with Armenian businessmen post-event, emphasizing the irreplaceable importance of face-to-face contacts and discussions for fostering further cooperation.

The business breakfast took place at the primary exhibition space of the Union of Artists of Armenia, serving as a symbolic convergence of business and art within a shared venue. This setting not only encapsulates the synergy between business and art but also provides an excellent platform for participants to showcase their respective potentials and explore innovative formats for collaboration.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Poland to Armenia, Piotr Skwieciński, warmly greeted the attendees of the business breakfast. He highlighted, "Poland is actively engaged in developing its own products for export, with a parallel focus on bolstering domestic sales. In this endeavor, Armenia stands out as a reliable partner, and we look forward to strengthening this collaboration."

Ralph Yirikian, Director General of Ucom, present at the meeting, highlighted the alignment between Ucom's regional policy and the strategies of certain embassies in Armenia. "I will share the story of today’s and tomorrow’s Ucom. I assure you that in the coming years, Ucom will reach remarkable heights as we remain dedicated to our country and subscribers. Currently, we lead in fixed communication and hold prominent ranks in various telecommunications sectors. Our success is attributed to fortifying regional infrastructures and fulfilling corporate social responsibility to assist our fellow citizens," highlighted Director General of Ucom, Ralph Yirikian.

Highlighting such initiatives, Diana Sarumova, Director of the European Business Association, remarked, "This format provides a space for the business community to engage with diplomatic representatives. We frequently organize forums fostering public-private dialogue, serving as platforms for diverse sectors to convene and share information."

At the event, Cristina Conesa Sancho, Chargé d'affaires of the Kingdom of Spain, discussed the potential for Armenian-Spanish business relations and collaboration in innovation and technology.

"We must convene regularly to actively shape the business landscape through constructive discussions, as our aim is the progress and enhancement of the sector. Gatherings like these, bringing together esteemed ambassadors from European countries and Armenian business leaders, hold significant value. In my view, they provide a gateway of opportunities for Armenian entrepreneurs to engage with Europe. I am confident that these meetings will foster new partnerships, ones we can proudly highlight in the coming years," expressed Artyom Khachatryan, Co-Founder and Co-Chairman of Galaxy Group of Companies

The event was organized by "AxelMondrian and Partners” communications firm, an EU qualified network member company. 

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