Ереван, 22.Ноябрь.2024,
1 $ = 0 ֏, 1 = 0 ֏, 1 = 0 ֏

9th Annual Regional HR Conference. “HR: THE NEW NORMAL”


Armenian HR Associationand Cascade People & Business have been organizing a regional
conference on Human Resource Management for already 9 years in Armenia. Every year, the
conference summons on a variety of topics reflecting the most important and essential issues
in the industry.

This year the Conference took place on August 21, replacing offline face-to-face
communication with online.It was entitled HR: THE NEW NORMAL. During the
Conference, the participants had the opportunity to listen to various speeches, participate in
the HR Expo, discuss nowaday issues, get acquainted with the offers related to the HR field,
unique and innovative solutions.

This year the conference hosted 12 internationally acclaimed and specially invited speakers
by well-known companies, who shared the real-life cases they succeed in the field of Human
Resource Management with the participants. Each of them, based on their experience and
knowledge, presented their own formula for "The New Normal" in Human Resource

“This year the Conference was absolutely practical, as we all understand that the recent
Coronavirus pandemic and the overall global changes have put a fundamental different
emphasis on our profession. Changes should be done not only in the conceptual but also in
the practical part of our field. The field of Human Resource Management is being recharged
and transformed. Based on that fact, HR. The New Normal Conference touched upon real,
tangible and effectively used tools", mentioned the organizer of the Conference, Arpi
Karapetyan, the Chairman of the Armenian HR Association and General Manager of Cascade
People & Business.

“For me, The New Normal is "online", new normal is technologies and of course new normal
is people. With this pandemic, HR functions has become even more strategic and crucial to
manage the crisis in companies and organizations", states the speaker of the Conference Antonio Corral, CEO of HR Bot Factory.

Co-founder of Human Capital Blockchain LTD, Rebeca Fernández states, “The NEW normal
in HR for me is a hybrid between innovation and strategy."

One of the speakers of the Conference Larissa Menocci, tells, “For me, The New Normal is to
promote conscious Team Development and Psychological Safety to all teams - no matter
where they are in the world."

For the Head of Digital Projects at Leroy Merlin, Linda Benotmani, “The New Normal” in
HR is being ready for changes; moreover, it is driving them, staying agile and empathic.
The most awaited annual event in the field was attended by about 200 participants
representing more than 30 countries: Armenia, Georgia, Russia, Romania, Serbia, Moldova,
Austria, Germany, Spain, Great Britain, Malta, Brazil, Suriname, Sudan, Lebanon, Vietnam,
Malaysia, Philippines, Maldives, India and other countries. The participant’s list included HR
managers, CEOs, trainers, consultants, and other stakeholders from numerous local and
international organizations.

The General Partners of the Conference are SAP SE, Suriname Speaking Academy and Arar
events. The EXPO partners of the Conference are Lucky Carrot, Joong, CELA, Tutor
Platform, The Benefit, Golden Human Capital LTD, Business School of Marketing &
Innovations, 360 stories, ITD World, iSpring and other companies.

The Conference yearly expands its scope, gaining more recognition in the professional
community of the world.

Detailed information about the program, speakers, EXPO, and more can be found on the
Conference website, www.hrconference.biz, as well as on all the social platforms.

Cascade People & Business (www.cascade.am) is a leading Human Resource Management
Consulting Company in Armenia, acting under the principle of "Everything in the HR field
and nothing beyond HR.” Over the course of 12 years of its operations with more than 500
local and international organizations, the company brings change and strives for perfection
by acting as a benchmark for the day-to-day growing and developing HR community.

Armenian HR Association (www.hrcommunity.am) has more than 300 members from various
organizations of Armenia starting from 2010. The Association aim is to bring together
leading HR professionals through HR Advocacy, Professional Development, HR Club
Meetings and Improvement of HRM Framework.

For more info:

Armine Danielyan
[email protected]
(+374) 98 83-42-88

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