Ереван, 24.Ноябрь.2024,
1 $ = 0 ֏, 1 = 0 ֏, 1 = 0 ֏

Electronic tips: Idram and IDBank continue developing the customer’s digital experience


Non-cash and contactless payments have reached a stable place in our lives: these make
the shopping process easier and more convenient. Idram & IDBank alliance has a great
contribution in the development of this direction, and Idram’s QR contactless payment
system is the leader of such platforms in the Armenian market.

But there are such segments or fields in the market where it seems like the cash should
stay because of their features. We speak particularly about the tips we give in restaurants
and cafes. But in Idram they assure that by paying the bill through QR, it is possible to
make the tips electronic: moreover, now the electronic tips successfully develop.

Нет описания.

Grigori Yolyan, the commercial director of Idram tells about the electronic tips that are best
integrated into the Armenian reality.

- Mr. Yolyan, please tell us, what is the electronic tips?

- I’m sure that each of us wants to give tips to the waiter after having a good time in a
restaurant or café. That’s a world-accepted thing and even a code of conduct: when
you are satisfied with the service, you want to thank the waiter. And very often, when
making a non-cash payment, you must leave the tips by cash, which is not so
convenient. Many of our customers were mentioning this inconvenience. By
developing the system of QR and NFC payments , we decided to make the whole
process of payment non-cash - both paying the bill and giving tips. I’m happy to
mention that we managed to do that successfully, and since the very beginning of
the pandemic, we actively develop this opportunity in a big number of restaurants
and cafes where it is possible to make a contactless payment via Idram. When
paying the bill, the client is suggested to choose the amount of tips to leave: 5%,
10%, 15% or type any other amount that the client wants to live as tips.

- Is that amount transferred with the bill?

- The payment process for the client is not changed: he does not take any additional
action, and the system automatically separates the bills of restaurant/café and the
tips. This means that from the amount paid by the client the restaurant gets its bill
and the waiter gets the tips.

- At the moment it is possible to make QR/NFC payments via Idram at more than
4400 points of sale , from which 1000 are favorite restaurants and cafes in
Armenia. Why is the electronic tips service not available everywhere?

- Technically we can activate the electronic tips wherever they have the Idram QR
payment opportunity, particularly in the points of sale where our QR is printed
directly on the bill receipt, which is given to the client to pay the bill.
However, in addition to our readiness and technical ability, the consent of the
restaurant or café is required too. Each of our partners has his system and policy of
encouraging the waiters. Our goal is to provide them with modern solutions of
contactless payments, and the partner decides which tools to use.
At the same time, it is important to us, as a fintech, contactless and non-cash
payments provider, to develop the everyday experience of the customer
continuously, especially when hundred thousands of customers get advantage of oursolutions every month. We see that from the points where it is possible to leave
electronic tips, the customer experience is more positive as we get many
suggestions to expand the number of places with such opportunity. Here I have to
mention that our partner restaurants and cafes also aim to improve the quality of
their services and look for more modern solutions: here is where our interests
coincide, and the number of places with electronic tips is growing.

- How much is this solution loved and known by the customers? Is it

- First time we have input the opportunity of electronic tips before the pandemic - in
the end of 2019, but during the pandemic many new restaurants and cafes have
joined this service. The service started expanding about one year ago. Each new
service takes time, until the customers start trying, adapting. In case of electronic tips
that period was a lot shorter: the service was really required and now thousands of
customers use it monthly, whose satisfaction we see in the feedbacks. In addition, as
I’ve already mentioned, the service grows rapidly, it is becoming available in more
and more locations: the advantages and convenience of this service is appreciated
both by owners of restaurants and cafes and customers.

- Are the other companies providing contactless payments offer an opportunity
of electronic tips in the Armenian market?

- As I know, the solution that we offer does not have alternatives in Armenia at this
moment. But I have to mention that it’s not just about the Armenian market: pilot
projects of e-tips input can be counted on fingers in the whole world, this segment of
the market is just gaining momentum. I’m happy that here also we are leaders in the

- What is required to input Idram system as a payment method, or if at current
restaurant/café it is already possible to make payments through Idram, how to
connect the e-tips system?

- To receive payments through Idram, the restaurant/café management needs to
contact with the commercial department of Idram. The integration of system can be
completed easily, without additional problems, in a short period of time. And the
activation of e-tips service is easy to complete too, especially if in that location
payments via Idram are already available, we only have to activate the e-tips service
and let the restaurant/café give an opportunity to their clients to make contactless
payments. If necessary, the technical support team of Idram partners is ready to help
you and answer your questions. You can contact us via phone: 060 707 700 or
email: [email protected] everyday from 09:30 until 00:30.

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