Ереван, 22.Ноябрь.2024,
1 $ = 0 ֏, 1 = 0 ֏, 1 = 0 ֏

The Christmas gift from the Galaxy Group of Companies is the restoration of a song extricated by Khrimian Hayrik


"Morning Star, the doors of the Church are open"... With these lines, this unique piece of folklore penned by the Catholicos of All Armenians, Khrimian Hayrik (Father), in 1885, starts. It speaks about the faith and diligence of the Armenian people. In the 1970s, ethnographer and honored artist Hayrik Muradyan recorded it for the archive. Armenians inside the Iron Curtain of the Soviet Union heard this song for the first time - thrilling, simple, and pure. In these challenging times of identity and faith, this work of symbolic significance brought together creative specialists, artists, and musicologists. They dedicated three months to breathe life into the simple and straightforward idea of the "Galaxy" founders - to reinforce and rediscover the profound essence of the Christmas holiday for every Armenian family.


"We believe in the power of Armenian people's work and diligence. We want our people to be united, believe, and rely on their own strength. This piece holds an important message. It illustrates our collective way of life: working and creating with faith, prayer, and kindness. We earnestly wish for the message and lyrics of this song to resonate in every Armenian household on Christmas," stated Artyom Khachatryan, Co-Founder and Co-Chairman Galaxy Group of Companies.


A professional communication group was tasked with selecting the song and narrating its story. The creative challenge was clear: find and bring forth a simple song stemming from the heart of the people, one that is positive and depicts the lifestyle of the Armenian people from their own perspectives. The communication company "AxelMondrian and Partners" managed the creative process of the project, while the renowned "Katil" band handled the artistic development of the song.


"This is Armenia's first and unique project of its kind, providing an academic sound and musical structure to an ethnic folk song. We had numerous melodic songs under consideration, but the selection halted at the patriarch's work. We sincerely hope for its appreciation and for people to offer their interpretations of this song," shared Grigor Davtyan, co-founder of the "Katil" band.


The song's performance involved students of the art school named after Saryan, led by Grigor Harutyunyan. Sevada Hambarchyan, the vocalist of the "Katil" band, performed vocals with the choir, overseen by Grigor Kartashyan handling the instrumentation. The music was recorded for public release under an open license, allowing anyone to use and personalize it. The video series was set amidst the snow-white Armenian mountains, ensuring shots devoid of unnecessary distractions, focusing solely on the song's magical verses. The creative team promises further developments on the project and encourages playing "Bari Luso" in every Armenian household, fostering faith and unity.



Galaxy Group of Companies stands as a top conglomerate in Armenia, consistently integrating educational, cultural, historical heritage, as well as content creation projects in Armenian within its annual social responsibility programs. Since 1999, the company has engaged in around a hundred diverse collaborations and published various materials and books. The group's founders are Gurgen Khachatryan, Artyom

Khachatryan, and Aram Khachatryan. It encompasses 15 brands, including the telecommunications operator "Ucom" the shopping and entertainment complex "Yerevan Mall," the French cafe "PAUL," and the hotel "Courtyard by Marriott." among others.


Katil is an Armenian indie folk band established in 2017, and recognized for its contemporary adaptations of numerous ethnic songs. Comprising five members, the group has performed notable events such as a solo concert at the Public Radio studio and participated in the Independence Day concert at Zvartnots Cathedral alongside the RA Opera Orchestra. In 2020, they launched their inaugural CD, "Akner."


AxelMondrian & Partners is an accredited communications firm affiliated with the European network, specializing in Reputation Management, Public Relations, Branding, Marketing Communication, Data Analysis, and associated domains. With a track record of executing innovative projects in Armenia, the company introduces novel solutions and fresh perspectives to the market.

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