Ереван, 24.Ноябрь.2024,
1 $ = 0 ֏, 1 = 0 ֏, 1 = 0 ֏

About 5,000 families forcibly displaced from Artsakh received 100 tons of aid from Galaxy Group of Companies


"United and Caring" – these words united the employees of Galaxy Group of Companies. Within a project lasting over two months, they dedicated their time to preparing and delivering not only their warmth but also boxes of essential food products to 5,000 families forcibly displaced from Artsakh, helping them face the challenges of the harsh winter. The selection of beneficiaries and coordination of efforts were made possible with the direct support of Armenian Red Cross Society, a key partner in this initiative. From carefully selecting food products to packing them into boxes one by one, and ensuring the quality checks, Galaxy approached the task with great responsibility, aiming to deliver assistance to the beneficiaries with dignity and sensitivity.

"Amidst this disaster that has befallen our people, preserving human qualities, being attentive and socially responsible, are the important values that we have professed and will continue to uphold. We must demonstrate through deeds, not words, that being a human being in such situations is perhaps our greatest duty," said Aram Khachatryan, Co-Founder and CEO of Galaxy Group of Companies.

"United and Caring" initiative is the culmination of the efforts of Galaxy founders, Galaxy Companies, and employees within the Group, harnessing both financial and volunteer potential. After being assembled in Yerevan, approximately 100 tons of food products were transported in 20 kg boxes to the headquarters of Armenian Red Cross in Gegharkunik, Kotayk, Lori, Tavush, and Vayots Dzor, then distributed to 5,000 families from Artsakh settled in the regions of Armenia. This marks one of the largest philanthropic initiatives of its kind within the corporate sector, conducted between October and January.

"We express our gratitude to the Galaxy community for their initiative and responsible approach. The magnitude of this disaster is not yet fully grasped. That is why it is crucial for each of us to pay attention and stand by those people. In this regard, the Galaxy Group of Companies stands as an exceptional example of how a private company can exhibit social responsibility, and for that, we are deeply thankful to Galaxy.

"Corporate social responsibility holds immense value and is deeply appreciated in the realm of humanitarian aid. The provision of food packages to 5,000 families constituted a significant aspect of volunteer work, without which achieving this would have been challenging. Galaxy Group of Companies demonstrated excellence in this regard. Armenian Red Cross deems this collaboration a success and extends gratitude to Galaxy Group of Companies, primarily for their initiative and steadfastness in accomplishing the task. This is indeed an exemplary cooperation," stated Anna Yeghiazaryan, Executive Director of Armenian Red Cross Society.

"United and Caring" social responsibility program was executed by Chronograph, Gate2, IU Networks, Megafood, Paul Armenia, Santafe, Teryan5, and Time, Ucom and Yerevan Mall, all integral parts of Galaxy Group of Companies, along with substantial financial backing from the founders. The initiative's organization was overseen by "AxelMondrian and Partners." To streamline operations, 300 volunteer employees and their family members diligently packed the boxes during day and evening shifts to ensure their safe delivery to the beneficiaries. The initiative's organizing committee and the Group's Human Resources Management Directorate played pivotal roles in this effort.

"Our compatriots from Artsakh should feel that they are not alone, that we are united in overcoming the challenges they face. These are families, who have been stripped of their homes, livelihoods, and the assurances they've built and cherished for years. We must stand together, extend our support, and collaboratively find ways to navigate this situation. I've coordinated all the efforts with my family. This is not solely a financial contribution from the Khachatryan family; it also represents our family's care and our community's solidarity with our brothers and sisters," said Artyom Khachatryan, Co-Founder and Co-Chairman of Galaxy Group of Companies.

CEO of Megafood, Armine Yengibaryan, highlights the crucial role played by the almost round-the-clock operations in the company's warehouses. She emphasizes, "An essential aspect of this charitable initiative was the meticulous regulation of the product storage and packaging process in our company. We approached it with a strong sense of responsibility, firmly believing that it would address the basic needs of numerous families."

"We actively engaged in every phase of this significant initiative, driven by a profound sense of responsibility and unwavering commitment to our homeland. This isn't merely an act of charity; it's a beacon of hope we've illuminated. Through collective efforts, we aimed to alleviate the socio-psychological burden on our compatriots from Artsakh," expressed Ralph Yirikian, Director General of Ucom.

"The entire team of TI’ME participated in this process with immense pleasure. We demonstrated our responsibility and dedication to our compatriots forcibly displaced from Artsakh. In every box, along with food products, we conveyed love and encouragement. We firmly believe that this emotional connection reached the families who benefited from this initiative," expressed Arsen Mnatsakanyan, CEO of TI’ME.

"Alongside the essential food boxes, our aim was to communicate care and warmth to our compatriots, which I am certain they need. This stands as a wonderful example of Armenians uniting and extending a helping hand to one another," expressed Vazrik Sekoyan, CEO of Yerevan Mall.

Galaxy community, along with all its Companies and Armenian Red Cross Society, concluded this project phase by exchanging transparency and reporting materials. They also engaged in discussions about potential projects aimed at alleviating the challenges faced by the citizens of Artsakh.

Galaxy Group of Companies, founded by Aram Khachatryan, Gurgen Khachatryan and Artyom Khachatryan, is an Armenian holding company that represents 15 companies in 3 countries. The company directs efforts and funds to the implementation of corporate social responsibility programs in Armenia for the development of thought leadership and intellectual capital in the fields of education, social development and art. In recent years alone, Galaxy Group of Companies has implemented 64 large-scale CSR projects, which directly benefited more than 10,000 people.

Armenian Red Cross Society (ARCS), as a full member of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, upholds the fundamental principles of the Movement: Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality, Independence, Voluntarism, Uniqueness, and Universality. Serving as a supportive structure to the government in the humanitarian field for 104 years, ARCS operates in various strategic directions across the country. These include disaster management, population movement, social-health care, first aid, addressing youth issues, and promoting humanitarian values. The mission of ARCS is to diminish the vulnerability of the population by mobilizing the power of philanthropy, preparing for situations that could cause vulnerability, and providing necessary assistance to those facing challenging socio-economic conditions․

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