Ереван, 24.Ноябрь.2024,
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"I have never hesitated from challenging surgeries," Viktor Fanarjyan asserts as he continues the medical traditions of his family.


Viktor is part of the fourth-generation of doctors in the Fanarjyan medical lineage. His great-grandfather, Academician Bartholomew Fanarjyan, founded the Institute of Oncology. Viktor’s grandfather, Academician Viktor Fanarjyan, dedicated many years to the Institute of Physiology, serving as its director for over 30 years and as vice-president of the National Academy of Sciences for about 12 years. Moreover, his father, Professor Ruben Fanarjyan, is the founder and head of the Department of Neurosurgery at YSMU. It's no coincidence that Viktor Fanarjyan also chose the path of medicine.

After graduating from Pushkin High School in 2002, he enrolled in  Yerevan State Medical University, from which he graduated in 2009. From 2009 to 2012, he pursued a clinical residency in Urology at the National Institute of Health.  From 2002 to 2003, he worked in the emergency department of Erebuni Medical Center. He served as a clinical aide at Mikaelyan Institute of Surgery, from 2005 to 2006.  Additionally, from 2009 to 2013, he worked at Mikaelyan Institute of Surgery, and simultaneously - from 2012 to 2013 - he practiced at Nairii Medical Center in Yeghvard. From 2013 to 2019, he worked at both Erebuni and Nairi medical centers as a urologist. In 2017, he earned his PhD,  author of numerous medical articles. Since 2009, he has been a member of the Armenian and European Urological associations.

Overall, Viktor has over ten years of medical and surgical experience. "Working while studying, studying while working, this is like a principle for me, because there is a constant need for self- improvement. The rapidly developing trends of the world require you to be constantly aware of new medical advancements. ," mentioned Ph.D. Viktor Fanarjyan in a conversation with Past.am.

Viktor regards every difficulty, challenge, or problem as a phase of life to be overcome with dignity. Viewing each dilemma  as an obstacle to overcome, he remembers that being a doctor is a mission, which instills confidence in him. "A human being is not an algorithmic machine, and any minor wronged  movement of the surgeon may be fatal. ‘Is medicine art or science?’ The surgeon is the artist of the patient’s canvas. Yet medicine is also science that requires the surgeon’s ability to operate properly," he adds.

In his practice, Viktor has performed surgeries for the first time in the Republic of Armenia, including procedures related to urolithiasis and various surgical methods available worldwide. Details of these operations are documented on the official website of the Erebuni Medical Center. "At critical moments, the surgeon should be able to quickly decide which optimal solution to choose in order to avoid complications. I have never shied away from complex operations; the word 'no' was simply not an option , unless, of course, we took into consideration the expected result and the anticipated complications.

Such complex operations allow the doctor to gain experience, confidence, and the ability to address the patient's needs. This quality of not rejecting patients was instilled in Viktor during his clinical residency. The foundation of trust is education, facilitated by experiences gained through months-long training abroad, participation in international conferences, and work experience acquired during years at the Erebuni Medical Center.

Dr. Fanarjyan's goal is to establish a medical facility and educational center that matches the standards of leading global centers. Priority will be given to individuals from vulnerable and socially disadvantaged backgrounds, with medical care provided free of charge and in accordance with international standards. Simultaneously, foreigners will receive education at the center. Despite the presence of medical insurance, social packages, and state programs in Armenia, patients often encounter obstacles at some stage and may not receive free medical care as a result.

"Due to recent events, I will have to settle in the United States soon," says Viktor. He is confident that one day he will apply the international experience gained abroad to the healthcare system, leaving his mark on medicine in the same way that the Fanarjyan dynasty did years ago and keeps doing so.

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