Ереван, 19.Сентябрь.2024,
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Nokia and Team Telecom Armenia bring 25G PON commercial services to customers across Armenia

  • Nokia helps Team Telecom Armenia to become the first operator in the Caucasus and Central Asia regions to deploy 25G PON commercial services
  • Nokia fiber solution allows operators to deliver 2.5, 10, and 25G broadband speeds over its existing fiber network
  • Nokia is the only vendor supporting all next-generation PON technology options allowing operators to choose the right strategy for their needs and business case 

9 September 2024

Espoo, Finland. Yerevan, Armenia: Today, Nokia announced that Team Telecom Armenia deployed its 25G PON fiber solution, making it one of the first operators in the Caucasus and Central Asia regions to provide some of the fastest internet speeds commercially available. The 25G PON deployment intends to cover B2B subscribers and offer real 20 Gb/s symmetrical broadband speeds crucial for emerging applications and business services fueling the digital economy.

Designed to support a full range of PON technologies, from GPON to 25G PON and beyond, Nokia’s fiber broadband solutions give operators the choice and flexibility to optimize their networks to their specific business cases and needs. Based on the Quillion chipset, Nokia’s 25G PON fiber broadband solution allows Team Telecom Armenia to reuse its existing fiber broadband equipment to immediately address the demand for more capacity and enhanced broadband services. The new 25G PON offering in Armenia will help Team Telecom Armenia provide faster connectivity to its customers and open the door to new enhanced services such as enterprise solutions, 5G mobile transport and network wholesaling.

Hayk Yesayan, CEO of Team Telecom Armenia, said: “We are at the forefront of a technological revolution in Armenia that will set new standards in Internet speed and reliability for our customers. Being a national operator, we see this project as a part of our mission to enhance broadband services not only in Yerevan but also to promote a new digital era across the entire country. Using Nokia’s most modern technologies means we are futureproofing our network and ensuring that our customers can enjoy the best possible online experiences both now, and in the years to come.”

Matthieu Bourguignon, Senior Vice President and head of Europe for Network Infrastructure business at Nokia, commented: “Our collaboration marks a significant milestone in delivering ultra-high-speed broadband in the Caucasus and Central Asia regions, leveraging Nokia’s advanced PON technologies. This initiative not only enhances connectivity for individuals and businesses in Armenia but also plays a crucial role in the country's economic and social development.”

Today, Team Telecom Armenia’s network, based on Nokia's 25G PON technology, covers around 300,000 households across Armenia, with construction actively continuing. 

Resources and additional information:

Webpage: Nokia 25G PON

Webpage: Next-generation PON

Webpage: Nokia Lightspan FX for flexible fiber access

About Nokia 

At Nokia, we create technology that helps the world act together. 

As a B2B technology innovation leader, we are pioneering networks that sense, think and act by leveraging our work across mobile, fixed and cloud networks. In addition, we create value with intellectual property and long-term research, led by the award-winning Nokia Bell Labs.  

Service providers, enterprises and partners worldwide trust Nokia to deliver secure, reliable and sustainable networks today – and work with us to create the digital services and applications of the future.

Media inquiries

Nokia Communications, Corporate

Email: [email protected] 

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About Team Telecom Armenia

Telecom Armenia OJSC (The brand - Team Telecom Armenia) is an Armenian company, with a leading position in the field of telecommunications and cutting-edge technologies in the country.

Being the successor of the first telecommunication network in Armenia, the company has a 100-year history of providing services in the sphere. Due to combining rich experience and advanced technologies, Team Telecom Armenia provides mobile and fixed Internet, digital television, mobile and fixed telephone communication services to both individual and corporate customers. 

For more information, please contact:
PR Department, Team Telecom Armenia
Email: [email protected] 

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