Ереван, 19.Сентябрь.2024,
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Ucom and Impact Hub Yerevan Launch the Ucom Fellowship Incubation Program


Ucom and Impact Hub Yerevan launched the highly anticipated Ucom Incubation Fellowship Program, a transformative initiative designed to empower Armenia's next generation of entrepreneurs. This program offers promising early-stage startups the resources, mentorship, and collaborative environment they need to thrive.

The launch event at Impact Hub Yerevan brought together the inaugural cohort of participants, who were welcomed with inspiring speeches, networking opportunities, and a tour of the innovative workspace. Gevorg Poghosyan, CEO of Impact Hub Yerevan, kicked off the official launch with a Welcome Speech, where he gave an overview of Impact Hub's mission, and its role in supporting entrepreneurs, and highlighted previous successful projects that have emerged from its supportive ecosystem.

Ralph Yirikian, General Director of Ucom, in his speech introduced Ucom's impact and its ongoing commitment to fostering the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Armenia.

“The Ucom Fellowship is crucial for us as it not only bridges the gap between technology and green economy principles but also serves as a powerful example of a successful partnership between corporate and nonprofit organizations,” said Gevorg Poghosyan, Executive Director of Impact Hub Yerevan.

“It’s wonderful to see so many great and inspiring ideas that can serve our communities and help the environment with green solutions. We are happy to support this initiative and watch our participants thrive as they make a positive impact in their communities,” mentioned Ralph Yirikian, General Director of Ucom.

The Ucom Fellowship Program proudly welcomed several forward-thinking projects that address key challenges across sectors such as renewable energy, sustainability, and eco-friendly product design. Here are some of the notable ventures that were selected:

Flowtric: A project that develops mini turbine generators to harvest renewable electricity from the flow of water in pipes, offering an innovative solution to tap into a continuous source of clean energy.

Edible Dishware: This project envisions replacing single-use plastics with edible dishes made from various agricultural products, such as fruits and grains. Their offerings include coffee cups made from waffles, rice plates, cheese-based plates, and more, promoting a sustainable alternative to traditional disposable dishware.

Solatube Armenia: Introducing innovative natural daylighting systems to the Armenian market, with plans to establish local production. The project will offer sustainable daylighting and ventilation solutions, supporting Armenia's economic growth through job creation, while also promoting environmental sustainability by reducing the need for artificial lighting.

NAN: A smart controller designed to reduce excessive water consumption in agriculture and gardening. By optimizing water usage, this solution promotes efficient, sustainable agricultural practices, addressing one of the most pressing environmental challenges.

Unnamed Project: Focused on the sustainable production of hanging mushrooms, this project uses wheat bran sacks to grow mushrooms, which are then recycled for animal feed. The resulting manure is used to fertilize fields, and the project also integrates biogas production from the obtained manure – offering a closed-loop environmental solution.

The launch event also included a motivational talk by alumni from past fellowship programs, sharing their success stories and journeys with the current cohort. After a brief networking session, participants were provided with a detailed explanation of the program’s structure and timelines, preparing them for the exciting months ahead.

Over the coming months, participants will benefit from tailored workshops, expert mentorship, and hands-on experience to scale their businesses and ideas. The fellowship culminates in a pitching event, where the best idea will be awarded a financial prize of 500,000 AMD to further fuel its growth and positive social impact.


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