Ереван, 01.Декабрь.2024,
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Armenia Hosted the Consulting Event of the Year: International CMC Conference was held with Participants from 30 Countries


From October 7-11, for the first time the prestigious International CMC Conference was held in Armenia marking one of the most significant events for the Armenian Consulting and Business Community. More than 150 participants and consultants from 30 countries came to Armenia to discuss innovations and priorities in the Consulting. 

Over 30 representatives, along with 35 guests and speakers from leading Consulting firms from different countries, arrived in Armenia to become part of the international event. 

"The success of the Conference is obvious, and I especially emphasize the importance of holding such a prestigious event as the International CMC Conference in Armenia. The Conference initiated several significant partnership agreements that will have a substantial impact on the Consulting and Business communities’ future development. More than 45 delegates arrived in Armenia to participate in the annual IMC Armenia conference, further highlighting Armenia's important role in the consulting market. I would also add that the consulting conference held in Armenia, organized by the IMC Armenia, was marked as the best," said Silva Mesropyan, IMC Armenia Executive Director. 

Ucom was the technological partner of the prominent International CMC Conference. Within the scope of the cooperation, the General Director of Ucom Ralph Yirikian joined the event as a speaker sharing his expertise on "The Intersection of Technology and Sustainability." 

"It is good to see the matter of sustainable development being seriously discussed in Armenia, especially at international level and with the involvement of leading specialists. Ucom also attaches great importance to sustainability, particularly through our corporate social projects, so we couldn't stay away from such an event. We hope that in the near future every process in our country will be based on sustainable approaches and we will go through a rapid development,"- emphasized Ralph Yirikian, General Director of Ucom. 

The International CMC Conference covered a diverse range of topics centered on technology, sustainability, and business transformation. 

Keynote speeches addressed the rise of AI agents and humanoid robots, emphasizing their impact on industries and the global economy. Sessions on digitalization and traceability explored the future of compliance and sustainability in business, while discussions on digital transformation and ESG consultancy highlighted the growing importance of sustainable practices and governance in modern companies. 

Panel discussions focused on the future of workforce dynamics, the role of AI in transforming industries, and the challenges businesses face in navigating the digital landscape. These discussions emphasized the need for adaptability and innovation in a rapidly changing world. 

Master classes provided hands-on learning, covering the intersection of technology and sustainability, steps for digital transformation, and navigating sustainability journeys․ 

In the frames of the conference, on October 9, the Constantinus International Award Ceremony was held. The award is considered the Oscar of the consulting industry and international recognition and is being granted for projects offering innovative solutions in consulting. In 2024 projects from 9 countries were recognized as winners and for the first time, Armenian companies and initiatives were also listed.

The project “Assessment of organic origin fertilizers sector status in Armenia and support to the GoA with cost-benefit and VC studies,” was awarded the title of Armenian National Champion. 

During the conference, various presentations were delivered by Joseph Wozniak, Head of Trade for Sustainable Development at ITC, David Yang, Ph.D., a serial entrepreneur from Silicon Valley, Leonid Kirakosyan, a partner at McKinsey’s Zurich office, Lars Sudmann, a leadership consultant. Keynote speeches and panel discussions were also held by industry leaders such as Sanovbar Ayubova, Wesley Paterson, Dancho Dimkov, Nick Warn, Natalia Makova, Fani Xylori and many others.

The International CMC Conference 2024 with the tagline "Digital Horizons: Innovations for a Sustainable Tomorrow," was organized, branded and implemented by the Institute of Management Consulting of Armenia (IMC Armenia).

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