Ереван, 19.Апрель.2024,
1 $ = 0 ֏, 1 = 0 ֏, 1 = 0 ֏

Allow yourself more: Rocket line - the leading Armenian "Buy now, pay later" payment format from Idram&IDBank digital platform


IDBank and Idram have established a new shopping culture in Armenia. Non-cash QR payments and non-cash payments in physical and online stores are commonplace for corporate customers, and Rocket line digital credit has also solved the problem of wallet content, or rather its balance. 

The ”Buy now, pay later” format is widely used in the world. People make their favorite purchases at the moment, and then pay within months, often without interest.

In Armenia, the “Buy Now, Pay Later” payment format first introduced IDBank and Idram and called it Rocket Line. This is the green line within which the customers of the companies can make purchases and pay for them within 6 months.

Rocket line digital loan is available at more than 6500 points where it is possible to make payment with Idram&IDBank application or in more than 650 online stores, where you can choose to pay by Idram when shopping. In addition to the points of sale, digital loan also applies when paying for other services in Idram, like tuition, CMTPL, utilities, tickets for various events, etc.

According to IDBank's corporate business director Tigran Mkhitaryan, Rocket Line has really changed the buying culture: "Our customers have a great understanding of the idea that we have introduced when offering this product․ If you do not have enough money to buy the product you want right now, Rocket Line is the perfect solution․ The other way of usage is the following: you have money, but Rocket line 0% works at the given point, that is, you make the purchase at the moment and you can pay for it in 1, 2, 3 or 6 months, depending on the point of sale, moreover, the same price, and not a penny more. In that case, why spend your money now, if you may need it for other purposes”, says Tigran Mkhitaryan.

Idram Commercial Director Grigori Yolyan mentions that Rocket line 0% already operates in about 1500 points. “Our partners are also interested in offering their customers the Rocket line 0% payment option, as in that case their sales volumes and average coupon increase. In addition, it is a sign of loyalty to their customers, as they get a great opportunity to afford more through this type of payment”, said Grigori Yolyan and added that in addition to flexible payment tools, they also continuously improve the process of non-contact payments. “A vivid example is our QR-payment capability used in online stores with a smartphone. Thanks to our efforts, online shopping has become even faster and safer, as you make payments without entering additional data, such as when paying by card. In our case, you simply choose to pay with Idram, scan the QR-code displayed on the website of the online store with the Idram&IDBank application, click pay now or pay later. It takes seconds and it is very comfortable. And if you have entered the website of the online store with a mobile phone, you choose to pay with the Idram&IDBank application, which immediately takes you to the final payment page in your native Idram, where you can also choose to pay now or later. This is indeed a new payment reality”, added Grigori Yolyan.

To get the Rocket line limit, you need to be a customer of Idram and IDBank, pass the proper identification and become a Premium Plus user. If you are a new customer of Bank and Idram and you do not see your Rocket Line limit in the application or IDBanking.am online platform, you need to apply to the Bank directly from the application to get the Rocket Line limit. An individual limit will be set for you, which you can later increase directly through the application with a few clicks. And the used part of the limit can be repaid as simply and quickly as receiving the limit, without mandatory repayment schedules, in time, whenever you want.


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