Ереван, 24.Апрель.2024,
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EPIC Announces Opening of Applications for EWC Armenia 2022


YEREVAN, Armenia On June 7, the Entrepreneurship and Product Innovation Center (EPIC) of the American University of Armenia (AUA) announced that Entrepreneurship World Cup (EWC) 2022 applications are now open.   

EWC is one of the world’s largest and most diverse pitch competitions and entrepreneurship support programs for emerging entrepreneurs. Since its launch in 2019, EWC has supported more than 300,000 participants from 200 countries, awarded $2 million in cash prizes, and provided in-kind support and services valued at $150 million.

EPIC is the official lead organizer for Armenia, working in partnership with the Ministry of High Tech Industry, GIZ Armenia, Startup Armenia Foundation, National Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship (NCIE), TUMO Labs, and Team Telecom Armenia. 

“For the second year in a row, we strive to make the EWC Armenia a truly pan-national event that will include the entire spectrum of Armenia’s entrepreneurship ecosystem, from individual entrepreneurs and the government to the IT industry and educational institutions. Thus, we place no limitation on the type or nature of entrepreneurial ideas and ventures that may be presented for competition in the Entrepreneurship National Cup. As a growing entrepreneurial nation, we believe we can surpass our achievements from last year and build on our global visibility and impact,” remarks Nejdeh Hovanessian, assistant director of EPIC and national coordinator of EWC in Armenia.

The National Final is open to both Armenian startup teams and those relocated in Armenia. 

In the Armenian national competition, prizes will exceed $100,000. 

EWC is more than just a global pitch competition with a shot at life-changing prizes. It advances entrepreneurs from all stages idea-stage, early-stage, growth-stage, or beyond by providing them with tools and resources to grow their ventures.

All applicants to EWC Armenia 2022 will have access to EWC Accelerates, a virtual training program that helps entrepreneurs hone their skills and increase their chances of winning national competitions and advancing to the Global Finals.

The EWC online platform also offers all contestants who start the application access to $1,000 worth of perks. All founders who complete an application to the EWC Armenia 2022 will receive access to over $25,000 worth of perks. The top EWC100 will receive $100,000 in in-kind services from partners such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Freshworks, Google Cloud, Hubspot, Stripe, Zoom, and others. 

The National Finals competition for Armenia will be held in mid-August. In October, all global finalists will be invited to participate in an intensive virtual startup boot camp and the top EWC100 will advance to pitch live at the EWC Global Finals in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in November.

For those who wish to participate in EWC Armenia 2022, please register at the following website:  www.entrepreneurshipworldcup.com.

All the interested candidates can join our Info Session tomorrow (June 23) at 8 pm to learn more about the competition and ask questions

Please, register to participate. Here’s the registration link  https://bit.ly/3tTD9uS:

The Entrepreneurship World Cup is hosted globally by the Global Entrepreneurship Network and Monsha’at. 

The Entrepreneurship and Product Innovation Center (EPIC) is a platform of the American University of Armenia (AUA) for promoting entrepreneurial education, cross-disciplinary collaboration, and startup venture incubation. EPIC provides an ecosystem for emerging entrepreneurs consisting of first-class facilities and collaborative workspace, programs and events, and a network of mentors, advisors, and investors. EPIC fosters the understanding and application of entrepreneurship in students and faculty at AUA to craft high-impact multidisciplinary ventures.

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