Ереван, 29.Апрель.2024,
1 $ = 0 ֏, 1 = 0 ֏, 1 = 0 ֏

What are the requirements of the client using financial products? Lida Safaryan, head of premium banking division at IDBank answers


- It is no secret that the needs of customers are increasing: today’s customer satisfaction is a more difficult indicator to achieve. As the head of the Premium banking division, what are the main criteria you will distinguish in terms of customer service?

- You are completely right. Along with the technological progress, especially the customer who uses financial services presents greater demands, and their main components are the following:

-Increasing demand for digital products. People don’t want to break away from their daily routines, but financial transactions can’t wait.

- The client wants to receive a more complete package of services, that is, for example, to receive several services in one place; here again we come to the problem of saving time.

- A customer who likes to visit the bank often has a need for real, human contact.

In other words, customers today in any field need correct, thought-out, planned communication. Considering all these criteria, Premium banking service was created in IDBank, which has been operating for 5 years, has managed to find wide recognition and is loved by customers.

- If we talk about Premium banking itself, it operates under the slogan “Your package of personal services”: what does the slogan mean and how is it expressed in terms of customer service?

Premium Banking itself is an individual service aimed at meeting the client’s financial needs, which includes a wide range of possibilities. IDBank strives to be a client’s partner, not a financial institution that only plays the role of an intermediary in the market. And to be a partner means to understand the partner’s approaches, his requirements and possibilities and, already considering all these criteria, to offer him a package of services that will solve his financial problems. Apart from the market demand, the Premium Banking service best emphasizes IDBank’s strategy: to be there for the client, work for the client and be the first choice Bank for him. In other words, to provide the client with a complete set of services that will solve all financial issues, regardless of location or time.

- If we are to briefly describe the advantages of Premium Banking, why the customer should choose Premium Banking?

As I already mentioned, our customers using Premium Banking are not just customers, but our partners. Each premium client is assigned a personal manager who literally studies the financial needs of the given client and finds and offers the best and most convenient solution for each client. It is important to note that the majority of services can be provided remotely, that is, the client doesn’t need to visit the Premium Banking service hall.

However, it is important to emphasize that many of our customers sometimes prefer to visit us, because they are served in a separated hall located in the heart of the city, at 6 Northern Avenue, where all the conditions are created to combine the pleasant with the useful. Here it is possible to make financial transactions and at the same time use the cafe located on the first floor. Idworking is also located in the same area, where self-employed people can work. We have created this interesting combination of giving the customer what he needs while saving his time, because perhaps the most valuable resource now is time. By the way, premium customers can also use the meeting rooms, which are provided free of charge, you just need to register in advance.

As an advantage, I can also mention that Premium Banking clients use a number of banking services on preferential terms.

And in general, it is difficult to list all the advantages, because, let me emphasize, we are guided by the following principle: to solve the client’s problems, to keep him away from hassles in all possible ways and to provide him with a convenient, modern service experience.

- Let’s go back to the slogan: “Your package of personal services”. What should be done to receive services under this slogan and what is included in the package?

- The package is available completely free of charge to those customers of the Bank who have a deposit or credit in IDBank of USD 100,000 or equivalent in another currency, or a Premium class Visa Infinite card.

Since the package is individual, it is made for each Premium Banking client based on the specific client’s financial requirements. We are also talking about complete and high-quality advice on banking services. And the package includes a number of services and privileges, special tariffs for banking services, travel insurance for one year, and much more: an experienced personal manager guides and supports clients, offering the best solutions according to individual financial needs and preferences. You can be in touch with a personal manager even when you are abroad or, for example, after the end of the banking day. Our clients can also be served in their office. Family members of our clients can also be served in the Premium Banking premium class service hall, using a privileged package of services, receiving Visa Gold cards and a number of other services.

- We have already mentioned the fact that the world is moving towards digitalization, and as you mentioned, you also serve Premium Banking clients remotely. What other service methods are available?

- We also serve our customers in the traditional way – we are talking about visiting the Bank, and of course we also have alternative solutions. By organizing the service at the client’s workplace or at a place convenient for him, as well as remotely, considering the digitization trends you mentioned. Our client is authenticated through Skype Call and performs banking transactions without visiting the Bank.

- Of course, the advantages you mentioned are important especially for business customers who need to solve financial issues quickly without wasting extra time. At the same time, such clients are usually not limited to the borders of the Republic of Armenia and may have financial relations in other countries. What solutions can the bank provide to Premium customers, if they want, for example, to make investments outside of Armenia?

- In this case, premium banking can act as an intermediary for its partner international organizations to provide the necessary consultation and, if required, also help in opening accounts in foreign banks and making investments.

- The name of Premium Banking itself implies the existence of privileged conditions, a part of which we have already talked about. It is assumed that being a client of Premium Banking also means being a privileged client. As a result of your analysis, what is the target group of the service?

- Being a client of Premium Banking means having the highest financial requirements. Premium Banking clients stand out for the largest number of financial operations. Naturally, when you do transactions more often, you don’t want to waste a lot of time on them, plus the importance of convenience. Knowing the values, psychological characteristics, lifestyle of customers allows us to work effectively with them and build the right business model. The construction of the Premium Banking strategy is based on the study of each client’s personality. Customers who prefer Premium Banking service value the bank’s reliability and high-level service. As a result of our analysis, it becomes clear that the customers of Premium Banking are people who value time and convenience – businessmen or simply demanding customers for whom it is important to deal with a reliable and stable financial institution that is a provider of a wide range of services on convenient terms. both financially and time saving. Of course, we also have a group of well-off clients who entrust their funds to IDBank. In two words, being a client of Premium Banking means having a certain stable social position and having a reputation as a reliable businessman.

To become a client of Premium Banking, you need to visit our service hall at 6 North Avenue or call (+374 41) 47 33 33, and we will take care of the rest.


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